Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fall 2011: Sims State Downtown Campus

Fall 2011: Diana Lind is 19 and Jacob Flylar is 18.

snapshot_993a99a6_394080a3.jpg Both Jacob and Diana where both draw to the new campus of Sim State mostly for the more hands on programs especially in their chosen field of the Culinary Arts. The fact that is was located in Downtown Chantilly didn't hurt things. They where both looking forward to the last year when they get to work in a local restaurant as part of their training.

snapshot_993a99a6_393a99a8.jpg Jacob loves the view from their dorm, he loves being this close to all the high rises of downtown.

snapshot_993a99a6_195b7833.jpg Diana finds things a lot more relaxed in this dorm. It wasn't always easy seeing Frederick everyday. Here she rarely even thinks about him.

snapshot_993a99a6_3960c405.jpg The first day of classes Diana and Jacob headed to Lambton Hall where most of their classes and labs would be located.

snapshot_993a99a6_9960c45a.jpg Jacob was thrilled when he was able to start working in a real kitchen after only a couple of weeks of lecture.

snapshot_993a99a6_f960c46f.jpg Diana was really happy with her decision to leave fashion to her personal life and focus on her love of cooking. She had never been happier.

snapshot_993a99a6_f940830d.jpg Dorm life was great for both Jacob and Diana. Occasionally Tamara would come into town for a weekend, she enjoyed it a lot more with Diana and Jacob as she still didn't have many friends at her dorm.

Part way through playing my custom dorm it became very glitchy despite much testing of the dorm before I moved Jacob and Diana in so they had to move into a dorm that I imported from the regular Sim State campus.

Diana A+
Jacob A+

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